Hi, I’m Izzy 

I’m so happy you’re here.

I’m a trauma-informed therapeutic yoga, mindfulness and somatic facilitator and coach, with a passion for community, compassion, and inclusivity within holistic healing.

How did I get here?

My work is based on hundreds of hours of training and facilitating – and equally importantly, my own lived experience.

In my late teens and early twenties, I suffered with depression, anxiety, and incredibly low self-worth, taking me into the depths of an eating disorder and a severe battle with anorexia. Whilst in the depths of this aged 21, I was diagnosed with a brain tumour and hydrocephalus. I underwent multiple emergency brain surgeries, with my last and most invasive surgery to remove the tumour in 2019 at age 25.

These experiences completely changed the trajectory of my life, from chasing a fast-paced career in fashion photography and creative direction, to knowing that I needed to find a way to be of more aligned service in the world.

These experiences broke me apart, cracked me open, and changed my world.

The discovery and exploration of mindfulness, yoga and somatics changed my life, and supported my recovery in ways that are beyond words. From a place of immense suffering, I slowly transformed my relationship with my body and mind, and learnt to care for myself in ways that were sustainable, tender and deeply nourishing.

I became fascinated by the path of yoga, and other embodied and holistic healing modalities. I delved deep into how we can reconnect to our bodies, regulate our nervous systems, build self-compassion, and tend to our mental health. It became my mission to offer compassionate support. I wanted to share the incredible tools that supported me on my journey, and to offer the support that was missing, in the hope of creating spaces where nobody has to struggle alone.

My journey is continuously evolving and growing, (I have of course met many, many new challenges along the way!). With each evolution, I have connected more deeply to the wisdom of my body, the earth, and spirit to guide me home.

Home to myself, home to feeling, home to healing, home to life, and home to love.

I now share these teachings and insights from deep within my heart, with the believe that all humans should have access to this support.

Why Loving Evolution?

We are all continuously evolving and changing.

Life is not a linear journey, but more like a spiral: a pattern repeated in nature and across the cosmos. With each revolution, we transform to deeper levels of awareness and loving consciousness. An inner and outer evolution.

Here you are invited on a journey of remembrance. You are invited to remember the wisdom of your body, your innate wholeness and divinity within. To remember that we are all deeply connected, that we are nature and that your healing journey is a gateway to inner and outer peace. Our healing ripples and radiates out of us, contributing to a more loving and peaceful world.

Here in this space, you are held through the messy and ever-evolving journey of being human, and encouraged to meet and explore all parts of you with deep compassion and acceptance. You are supported to remember the most natural, raw, organic version of yourself, before the world told you who to be.

Here there is space for radical remembrance, reconnection, and love.

The science and the sacred

By weaving together ancient teachings and contemporary science, we can take a balanced and holistic approach that works with our whole beings – body, mind, spirit, earth, and community.

My qualifications

✺ Advanced Yoga Therapy for Mental Health, including anxiety, depression and PTSD (Minded Institute - 2024)

✺ 120 Hour Mind-Body Coaching (Embody Lab - 2023)

✺ 500 Hour Registered Yoga Teacher (200H Shiva Rishi Yoga School - 2019 & 300H Breath Body Earth - 2023)

✺ 100 Hour Trauma-Informed Yoga & Embodied Social Change  (Yoga for Human Kind - 2021)

✺ Yoga for Eating Disorders (Eat Breathe Thrive - 2022)

✺ Yoga Nidra for Mental Health (Minded Institute - 2021)

✺ Yoga for Anxiety and Depression (Minded Institute - 2021)

✺ Yoga for Stress and Burnout (Charlotte Watts & Leah Barnett - 2019)

+ Many, many other trainings and immersive experiences in areas such as sound healing, somatics, polyvagal theory, and womb sciences.

You’ve heard my story, now I’d love to hear yours! Where are you on your journey? What are you needing right now? How can I support you?